Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From MJ 6/22

Becky and MaryJanes modeling (just some of) the gear we had to march with


I just got 3 of your letters. I don't have to have push-ups for the address and although you did have the address wrong, I still got it. I started to cry in front of everyone when I read how you cry. I miss you so much. This place is alright. I'm really excited to come home.

So dad bought a fourth air plane? How many people does it hold? I wish someone would come get me right now. This isn't worth it.


(in the same letter)
June 23, 2000
Hey mom,
I'm in bed again. I have fire guard tonight which will give me more time to write, but I miss you so much I can't sleep.

How did you get pulled into planning the shower. Tell David and Kari that I wish I could be there, Kari will make a beautiful bride.

Ryan doesn't really have a pot problem, but he does smoke it. I guess it's better that he does that than some of the other drugs those guys have gotten into.

I feel like I have been gone forever. But I guess tomorrow will be 20 days since I left home. But basic training time has only been 2 and a half weeks.

I do get to see Holly quite a bit. We shined boots together, still go to church together. Becky and I have become good friends although Holly and I click better.

People here are dropping like flies. I found out today that despite my original thoughts we were put in the hardest, strictest company at Fort Jackson. I knew the infantry division was tough, but compared to the other companies where they do what they want basically when they want, we have it so strict.

Yesterday the drill sergeants came into our barracks and tore apart beds and lockers. My locker had a lock on it so it was in tact and surprisingly my bed was one of the 4 not torn apart.

Today we started with the M16A2 rifle. We took it apart, put it together, learned motions with it. We are going to go to the range next week. I was the fastest female taking mine apart. Second fastest putting it together because I got ahead of myself and had to undo half of it.

Tomorrow we start bayonet training, the old gun/sword things. I don't know why but they feel we need to know how to use them.

That's cool that Jenn might come down here with you. Renting a car sounds good to me. Then maybe I can see some of this state since I've always wanted to visit it. Plus then we can have music which I miss so much.

I'm excited to see if Rusty missed me when I get home. I remember when Bear would be so happy to see me after I was gone a few days.

My drill sergeant (the nice one) looks so much like David (my cousin) it's scary. But he is more Native American than David is. But he reminds me a lot of him.

I'm glad to hear your drugs (st. Johns wort) are helping you cope. Although I am not missing or being molested by a 53 year old man I was warned by my drill sergeant that some other drill sergeants in the other companies are trying to and have been sleeping with privates.

That sample of 5th avenue Elizabeth Arden perfume was so good! It was nice to smell something other than sweat and cleaning supplies.

I haven't lost any noticeable weight yet I don't think. I hope I do or I will be so disappointed.

I got 5 letters from you today. You have no idea how much they help me. Getting mail every day is very important. You should be getting a letter every day from me, I write just about every night. But I'm going to sleep a little before fireguard. I will write then....

Man I love being woken up in the middle of the night to sit in a desk for an hour and a half watching everyone else sleeps.

Johnson, the girl I have to freaking baby sit, is on fire guard with me. I had to wake her up 3 times, the last time being rude, to get her to get up and change. Yesterday I had to dress her, do her hair, and make her bed. what a pain. She can be such an airhead when it comes to common sense too.

I miss driving so much. I can't wait to get my car back. We have to run today. When we tested on the 2 mile run to see what group we are in I got the D group. My drill sergeant wasn't very happy, there is like 10 of us in that group and he said we all have to be in C group by 2 and a half weeks.

I'm so hungry. I can't stand having 2-3 minutes to eat. We shovel everything in so fast you can't even tell your full until ten minutes later. Then your only full for like a half an hour and your hungry again.

A huge cockroach just ran across the floor. NASTY! Johnson is trying to kill it by dropping a flip flop on it but it's a little faster than she is.

Yes I remember the Coyote Ugly movie preview. I can't wait to see it. I felt like going to a movie so much yesterday.

You have some interesting stamps. Every day people ask to look at them because there is always something funny. Some people who haven't gotten one letter yet have requested that you adopt them or ask if they can write to you. But I know I'm the only one special enough to have the worlds greatest mother and the others here just have to realize that :)

The one thing I do like here is they constantly tell us that we are adults and need to act like it, which I personally do, but that if we are grown enough to join the army we are adults. It's a nice change from my high school teachers.

I miss Marvin too (the cat). he was always in my room with me, even though sometimes he got in the way.

Tommy hasn't written me yet. But I had to mail him my address so he may have just gotten it.

I'm pretty sure I mailed it to Lee'Ann (my best friend at the time), but not positive so I guess if she called you for it she hasn't gotten it yet. But I have half a letter around here somewhere waiting to be finished to her so it might be in that one.

I have to do my socks and underwear laundry on Sunday. I haven't gotten a chance yet because of church, but I'm going to keep going to church here so I will just have to find time. I have lots of clean undies yet, but I need to wash my white socks.

They never gave us phone rights on father's day. I thought that was pretty shitty but I guess there's not much I can do about it. Hopefully I will get to call tomorrow. The mean drill sergeants going until Tuesday so maybe.

I'm so hungry! They make everyone with packages open them in front of everyone so we don't get anything we aren't supposed to have. You should mail me socks with snickers inside them. No, I'm just kidding. It sounds so good though!

We have the best muffins at breakfast. It's the thing I will miss about this hell hole. They are Sarah Lee premium bran muffins. They are SO good. I crave them allot here.

You should see me polish my boots, what a mess. I get polish all over myself. But I can get them pretty shiny.

Well I have cleaning to do so I will see you tomorrow.

Love always and forever

P.S. nick names I have acquired-
Dairy Princess- the guys in my platoon
TJ- same
JJ- My drill sergeant
Swiss Miss (like the girl on the hot chocolate packages)- the Lieutenant

P.P.S. Did I tell you I miss you? Well I do, a ton.

PPPS I love you!

PPPPS I want to come home :(

PPPPPS I'll be fine.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear MaryJanes June 21st

Image by: selenavallejo


Jenn got a ring last night!

I just got your letters today and of coarse I cried through both of them! I was glad to hear you more up-beat. I was esp. glad to hear you are making the extra effort to go to church. I hope it gives you extra strength. Mike sends a "Hello" He keeps me assures that you'll do great. I don't know how I'd get through this w/out his support. He senses when I am getting depressed and gives me a hug and says "She is strong, she'll do great" Its the words I need to hear that he comforts me with. I called and left a message w/ Grandpa & Grandpa Johnson. I asked if it would be possible for them to make it and that it seemed important to you. I told them I would call again about it. I went to an auction this morning but it wasn't very good so I went to Columbus to straighten up my booths.
Good luck w/ your "sister" I hope she can follow in your foot steps. You act surprised that the guys are interested in you. You are SO FUNNY! You silly girl. You don't need make up, hair style or tight clothes to show your light. You glow with out any of that. Your personality sparkles silly! You're just a guy magnet! Im going over to grandma Greenes then I have a hair appointment. {changed to 6 pm rather than 8}The work on 44 is nearly done. Jenn said her ring is beautiful. I can't wait to see it! She called just when I got done reading your letters. Perfect timing!
Bear has to wear diapers now :sigh: I was thinking of putting her to sleep cause she is leaking urine daily now. Mike asked me to buy depends. So now she is "Diaper Dog" {new name}
I cut a tail hole out. Im glad you get to see Holly a little, that makes me feel better. Do your best with your "little sister"You'll be a big help to her. Sounds like allot of extra work 4U! Glad to hear of your plan for pull ups! I feel better about that now. And your plan to still use arm strength is good. 2 MILES YUGH!
How are you doing in the heat? Can I send you sun glasses? Are you getting mail every day? Why did they have you spend that much $? On what? Sounds stupid to me.I think about you all the time. Be Strong...Think Positive! I CAN I WILL! Go - Go _ Go!
Thank you for the letters. I love you with all of my heart.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dear MaryJanes June 21st

Inside card is hand written

Just looking out for you.
Love, Galoshes

The card along with others still contain the folded up toilet paper I sent her!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Dear MaryJanes June 21st

June 21 Wednesday

No letters yet, :Sigh:
We are waiting for a pizza to cook - nothing eventful today. Im concerned about you and need to know that you are better since your last call. Did you mail your address to Lily? Mike and I are going to Kirby's afterwards to pick up something to sell for him. Tomorrow Iam going to Columbus first thing in the morning then to an auction at 11am. I have a hair appointment to have my roots done at 8pm. Army forms for you to sign came today. I'll call them to see if they can wait until you get back or if I have to send then to you.

back from Kirby's

Brenda just called, she and Tina will come to the bridal shower Sunday, but will be late. John is going to be marching in a band at noon. I talked to Matt about his goat. He is sure happy about it! Iam halfway watching a show called "True Women" I hope you are being strong like a few of these women on the show. I think about you always and pray that you are Ok.
Fighting back the tears cause I miss you so!
Love, Galoshes

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

From MJ 6/21

Becky, Holly, MaryJanes

Dear Mom,
I have found that it is easier to go to the bathroom to write where the lights are always on then try to juggle my flashlight and hold my covers up.

Victory Tower was lots of fun. I'm good at repelling. Johnson is afraid of heights and started to cry, but I managed to talk her through it.

I got another card from you today. Please try and write every day, I look forward to mail call. I haven't really written anyone but you since I got to real basic. The only time I have is my sleep time so I wait until Sundays to write others.

Tomorrow we do map reading and will be marching all day with ruck sacks on our backs and things strapped to our waists, fun.

I'm not sure if I told you yesterday or not, but graduation will be the 17th. They aren't changing it . If we get done early they will just give us more personal time.

It's weird to think that everyone else is going on with their lives while I'm here. I don't even think ahead while I'm here. I'm like a robot. Half the time my brains are not even functioning, which sound weird, but it's hard to explain.

I think AIT will be fun next summer because I get every night off and there are clubs by Fort Meed and I hear you get single rooms and only have to share the kitchen and bathroom. But I don't think I get a kitchen, I won't need one. I guess it's a really nice base.

Thanks again for the pics, I had never seen the baby one of me and you. I cried and smiled. ♥ you so much

Miss you


Friday, March 11, 2011

Dear MaryJanes June 20th

Inside of card reads. "Just wondering what kind of condition urine."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

From MJ 6/20

Hey! We are in a personal hygiene class right now. yeah, like we get any time to maintain good personal hygiene. The boys get an hour and we get 15-20 minutes with 64 girls and 8 showers.

Graduation is back on schedule again.

Becky, ?, Johnson, MaryJanes, Hening

When you come on parents day I need you to bring me some things, but I just drew a blank as to what they were. But I will need you to bring me make up when you come to get me on graduation day (not parent's day).

I haven't gotten your letters yet, but I'm sure I will soon.

Today I got yelled at by the mean drill sergeant about not being with my buddy for chow, which was because we separate the line by active national guard and reserves and she's active so we aren't together. Anyway the mean one got mad and yelled at me. But when we left the nice one stopped us and was like telling Johnson how they aren't trying to pick on us but she looked like shit when she got here with the uniform all wrong and all this stuff and since me, she has improved a lot. Then when she went away he said how he chose me not only because of our last names, but because I seemed like I had myself pretty well put together and that I would be a good role model. When he originally asked me if I knew why he was doing this to me and I said to build team work, but I was happy to hear it was because I looked to be a good future soldier. Even if I didn't spell it right, which I'm not sure of :)

Later that day......

I'm under my covers with my flash light writing to you. I did end up getting your mail today, and a letter from grandma Greene. She didn't give me her address to write her back, but please tell her I really appreciate hearing from her. I think of her and love her lots.

Thanks for my pictures. Ryan is such a cutie, I miss him. But I like Tommy more and I think you'll like him a lot too. Plus he looks just like Ryan, but cuter.

I'm glad my grades pulled up. I don't know what was wrong with me. I was having emotional problems, to be honest, for a while I think I was emotionally unstable. But I will get it together. The way you wrote your letters, like going through your basic day, was a good way to do it.

I remembered one thing I need on parent's day, hair dye, mascara too. I don't know if I will be able to get away with mascara, but I wasn't to try. I know I can dye my hair though. Lightest Natural Blond. I want a snickers bar so bad. They serve desert here, but I don't take it because the drill sergeants rag on those who do. But I guess when I have to drop every time Johnson does I will just burn off as much as she does even though she has desert.
MaryJanes with Tim, who was also from Wisconsin

We are MRE's (meals ready to eat) this morning after hand to hand combat training. NASTY! I got ham in natural juices, rice, crackers, cheese, and a pound cake, it all tasted like cardboard. Some people got good stuff like ravioli and skittles, but I think we are eating them again tomorrow so maybe then I will get a good one.

My period got all messed up being here. It rained a few days which is nice. I drink so much water I pee clear.

We have a lot of classes during the day which keeps us out of the sun. It's hard to stay awake in them though.

But I will write tomorrow about victory tower. I'm tired, tell everyone I ♥ them.

I love you so much and think of you constantly. Your the BEST mom ever.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Dear MaryJanes June 20th

Inside of card,
:you're taking up the part of my brain that's usually reserved for chocolate.

What everyone is up to:

Grandma G. -
Might go work at the South Pick n Save as a cake decorator. {Nicer boss}
She is able to let Lily [her dog] run loose because Roy and David fixed her dog fence.

Jenn -
Driving into work M - F till 6pm, YUK! Going to childcare givers MATC classes for 7 Saturdays in a row to get certified. Waiting for a ring!!!!!

Kim & Roy-
Getting their back yard ready for David {cousin} and Kari's wedding.

Working on truck brakes to haul more wood to Indian Trails.

David & Kari-
Wedding Stuff.

Sam & I - Planning a wedding shower with games.

Wood working , bow fishing,.

Kids in the mall-
Wasting time, being lazy.

Eat, sleep, play repeat.

I hope you got your pictures. I miss you very much! I am so sad!
Love, your mom.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dear MaryJanes June 19th

Inside of card, {the picture shows a plant and when moved from side to side, you see a yellow flower growing.
:You're growing better and better and better:
Im sending my love, Galoshes


Hi, Im spending the day inside in hopes that you'll be able to call. It's Sunday morning. I got up & took care of the sheep and chickens {phone in hand} Mike went over to Bills to help Brad w/ a project & walked back with Cricket {Jenn's dog} Bear {our dog} and Cricket played. Then Marvin & Cricket ran all over knocking everything over. Rusty {another of our dogs} wasn't happy about the whole situation. She tried to be good, but she just ran & laid behind the porch rocker. She dislikes Cricket. I just looked through the paper and Mike is mowing the lawn. If you call then afterward we are going fishing. Im hoping you're doing better. LuAnn {MJs friend} called, she asked Mike for your address. I will call her back once I know for sure it is correct. I priced items yesterday & took things to Columbus. Mike went spear fishing & shot a big carp to bury in the garden for fertilizer.- "yum"
I found Roy an Indian motorcycle picture & Kim a fence thing for her yard and we took them over to them last night. Kim got me some pear spray bath gel & lotion from Victoria Secrets for helping w/ Gunner. I'll send you a goody [not food] package when I know I have the correct address. I've gotten 3 letters. Nothing on Friday / Saturday *sigh*

Image by: BonnieJones

I need to find about about your MATC classes. I will call tomorrow. Rusty just came over for some loves. Maybe she is sending you some via this letter. See anything of Holly yet? Mike & I went and saw Gone in 60 last night. It was actually pretty good. The reviews for "Ugly Coyote" were showing - it made me think about you all the more. I will take you to that movie when you get back. Do you remember the previews? The girl that goes off into a big city and gets a job at the bar. Remember we both said, "that looks really good" at the same time. Yesterday & today the weather has been nice. No rain for a change and not too hot. I hope you're doing ok in the heat. Gas prices are getting near $2.00 / gal $1.86 - $1.95 / gallon now. Im getting bills caught up since Im not dishing out $10 / $20 / $100 to you weekly. That's a good part of this whole madness. I can focus on getting the pageant bill under control. I started taking St. Johns wort vitamins to help w/ the feeling of sadness. Mike has been a huge help with this. If I go outside, he reminds me to take the phone in case you call. He reassures me that you will be fine. w/out his help with you gone right now, I'd be a total mess. SERIOUSLY! We went to the post office & they had missing kids on the bullet ion board. I thanked God that you weren't missing. I'd rather have you where you are than on a bulletin board saying "missing" A man got arrested in the parking lot of Westgate mall. He was going to get together with a 14 year old girl he had been talking w/ since she was eleven. Another person the girl was talking to tipped police off. He had a ax, a rope, sex toys, drugs, pain killers etc in his trunk. [53 year old} They ought to just de-penis him, the moron!
So, though you are not in a warm and cozy place, I know you are not missing or in threat of being abducted. I thank God for that. Keep strong, think positive thoughts! "I can, I will"
Don;t let those negative thoughts fog your mind! We will get more fit & it will become easier. Hang in there.
You are loved, Galoshes